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EcoNorSe meeting in Os, Norway, 19th-20th April 2016.

The project group including the international participants Gudmundur J. Oskarsson  (Marine Research Institute), Teunis Jansen (Greenland Institute of Natural Resources / DTU Aqua), Jan Arge Jacobsen  (Faroe Marine Research Institute), Antonio Bode (Spanish Institute of Oceanography), and Eneko Bachiller (AZTI-Tecnalia) gathered in Os for a two-day meeting to present current research and discuss ongoing and upcoming project plans.

Published 25.04.2016 - Updated 25.04.2016

The project participants contributed with talks on project-related topics, in particular on the progress of the methods employed for the purposes of the project, the modelling approaches to be undertaken and the international aspect of the project given the wide distribution of 3 pelagic species under study. Additionally, PhD-candidates Gabriella Ljungström and Tom Langbehn introduced their research plans. Both are part of the MARmaED  project, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network under Horizon 2020, where Institute of Marine Research is a partner. Stimulated by the wonderful location where the meeting took place, the group was able to identify the complications an interdisciplinary project as EcoNorSe has confronted, provide an outline for the following steps, and formulate ideas for future research.

List of talks by the participants:

  • Katja Enberg: Overview of the EcoNorSe project
  • Leif Nøttestad: What is happening in the Norwegian Sea? Spotlight on mackerel, marine mammals and bluefin tuna
  • Teunis Jansen: Diel-vertical feeding and migration behavior of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
  • Gudmundur J. Oskarsson: Spatial, seasonal and interannual variations in growth and condition of Norwegian spring spawning herring during 1994-2015
  • Øyvind Fiksen: The herring midsummer feast in the Norwegian Sea
  • Geir Dahle: Genetic methods: development and preliminary results
  • Sonnich Meier: Stable isotope and fatty acid methods and results so far
  • Antonio Bode: Stable isotopes of the small pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay
  • Eneko Bachiller: Mackerel feeding in the Bay of Biscay; preparing the trip to the Norwegian Sea?
  • Cecilie Hansen: Atlantis NoBa and what we plan to do with it in this project
  • Kjell Utne: Norwecom, a fully coupled model for the Norwegian Sea
  • Nikos Nikolioudakis: Modelling EcoNorSe data: prospects and challenges

Øyvind Fiksen (University of Bergen), Gudmundur J. Oskarsson (Marine Research Institute, Iceland), Sonnich Meier (Institute of Marine Research), Hans J. Skaug (UoB), Antonio Bode (Spanish Institute of Oceanography; at the front), Jan Arge Jacobsen (Faroe Marine Research Institute), Tom Langbehn (UoB), Cecilie Hansen (IMR), Gabriella Ljungström (UoB), Katja Enberg (IMR), Leif Nøttestad (IMR), Kjell Utne (IMR), Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen (IMR), Geir Dahle (IMR), Nikos Nikolioudakis (IMR), Eneko Bachiller (AZTI-Tecnalia).