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Introducing our new team member Nikos Nikolioudakis

EcoNorSe has recruited a new postdoc. Nikos Nikolioudakis completed his PhD on the trophic ecology of small pelagic fish and has been working with pelagic fish for more than ten years as a student and later as a post doctoral researcher.

Published 19.10.2015 - Updated 19.10.2015

In the EcoNorSe project he will be dealing with spatio-temporal data correlations in an attempt to improve our understanding on species interactions and habitat preferences, using state-of-the-art statistical methods and software.

Nikos will use his background in fish trophodynamics coupled with his computational skills to answer questions regarding predator-prey interactions and their consequences on the lower trophic levels. Additionally, he will participate in the 3D statistical modelling of the main pelagic species in the Norwegian Sea relative to the distribution of their prey and the prevailing environmental variables in order to simulate and eventually predict changes under various climatic scenarios.