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Deployment of a Deep Argo float

New Argo float deployments in 2020

In 2020, twelve new Argo floats were deployed in the Nordic Seas. Eleven of these floats were deployed during two cruises with R/V Kristine Bonnevie, in April/May and in August, both with Henrik Søiland (IMR) as cruise leader.

One float was deployed in the Iceland Sea in November during an Icelandic cruise with RV Bjarni Sæmundsson and Magnus Danielsen (MFRI, Iceland) as cruise leader.

Deployment of a Bio Argo float

The figure below shows the location of the Argo deployments and the sensors attached on the floats: 1 BGC (Provor CTS4), 5 Bio (APEX), 4 Deep (Deep Arvor), and 2 core (Arvor).

This is the first time an Argo float with biogeochemical sensors is deployed in the Iceland Sea.



Fig.1 Float types of Argo floats deployed in 2020


Fig. 2: Location of Argo floats deployed in 2020 

Daily updated information of Argo float locations and profiles within the Nordic Seas will be on the NorArgo operational web site.