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NorArgo Status November 2020

NorArgo deployed 12 new Argo floats in 2020, and today there are 65 operative Argo floats in the Nordic Sea, Barents Sea and Polar Ocean (North of Svalbard). 29 of these are Norwegian Argo floats.


The figure on top shows the latest updated location of all the floats (24th November 2020) where Norwegian floats have red colors. The tails are two months drift of the floats.

The 29 operative Norwegian floats are of different float types:

  • 4 BGC-floats (pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence/chla, particle concentration, irradiance/PAR, pH, nitrate)
  • 7 Bio floats (pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence/chla, particle concentration, irradiance/PAR)
  • 6 Deep floats (pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen)
  • 12 core floats (pressure, temperature, salinity)

Since 2014 all Argo floats within the Nordic Seas have acquired more than 2200 vertical profiles every year (see figure below).
