Bannister, R.J., Johnsen, I.A., Hansen, P.K., Kutti, T., Asplin, L., 2016. Near- and far-field dispersal modelling of organic waste from Atlantic salmon aquaculture in fjord systems. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73, 2408-2419.
Jansen, H.M., Broch, O.J., Bannister, R., Cranford, P., Handå, A., Husa, V., Jiang, Z., Strohmeier, T., Strand, Ø., 2018. Spatio-temporal dynamics in the dissolved nutrient waste plume from Norwegian salmon cage aquaculture. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10, 385-399.
Jansen, H.M., Reid, G.K., Bannister, R.J., Husa, V., Robinson, S.M.C., Cooper, J.A., Quinton, C., Strand, Ø., 2016. Discrete water quality sampling at open-water aquaculture sites: limitations and strategies. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8, 463-480.
Keeley, N., Valdemarsen, T., Strohmeier, T., Pochon, X., Dahlgren, T., Bannister, R., 2019a. Mixed-habitat assimilation of organic waste in coastal environments – It's all about synergy! Science of The Total Environment, 134281.
Keeley, N.B., Valdemarsen, T., Woodcock, S., Holmer, M., Husa, V., Bannister, R.J., 2019b. Resilience of dynamic coastal benthic ecosystems in response to large-scale finfish farming. Aquaculture Envirnment Interactions 11, 161-179.
White, C.A., Woodcock, S.H., Bannister, R.J., Nichols, P.D., 2019. Terrestrial fatty acids as tracers of finfish aquaculture waste in the marine environment. 11, 133-148.
Woodcock, S.H., Meier, S., Keeley, N.B., Bannister, R.J., 2019. Fate and longevity of terrestrial fatty acids from caged fin-fish aquaculture in dynamic coastal marine systems. Ecological Indicators 103, 43-54.
Woodcock, S.H., Strohmeier, T., Strand, Ø., Olsen, S.A., Bannister, R.J., 2018. Mobile epibenthic fauna consume organic waste from coastal fin-fish aquaculture. Marine Environmental Research 137, 16-23.
Carvajalino-Fernández, M.A., Keeley, N.B., Fer, I., Law, B.A., Bannister, R.J. 2020. Effects of substrate type and pellet age on the resuspension of Atlantic salmon faecal material. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12, 117-129.
Carvajalino-Fernández, M.A., Sævik, P.N., Johnson, I.A., Albretsen, J., Keeley, N.B. 2020. Simulating particle organic matter dispersal beneath Atlantic salmon fish farms using different resuspension approaches. Marine Pollution Bulletin 161,111685