Science for Ocean Actions - objectives and output
Sustainable management of biological resources: the importance of knowledge for finding regional solutions to global challenges.
The Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has taken an initiative to establish the High-level Panel on Building a Sustainable Ocean Economy and has got support in UN and G7 for her initiative.
Institute for Marine Research (IMR) is, on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, responsible for a science conference with only invited participants to share new knowledge and suggest action points for the High-level Panel and G7 countries.
Objectives: The main objective of the conference will be to identify challenges and opportunities relating to the sustainable management of biological resources in different oceans (both data-rich and data-poor areas) of the world, and to suggest action points. Your knowledge and views are valuable contributions in the facts finding mission in areas such as ecosystem dynamics, technology for ocean observation of marine ecosystems, pollution (including waste and plastics), fish stocks, aquaculture, environmentally-friendly harvesting, and fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance.
Output: The findings and conclusions will feed directly into the work of the High-level Panel and the G7 countries work for a sustainable bio economy.
The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) will draw up a short conference report summarizing the contributions and recommendations made by the experts regarding the oceans. The report will focus on challenges and opportunities and propose common goals, regional solutions, and best practices for achieving them (action points).