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Keynote speaker

The Inmartech 2016 Organizing Committee is very happy to introduce the key note speaker, Dr. Ole Arve Misund, general Director of the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES).

Published 15.10.2015 - Updated 07.09.2016

We have asked him since he has always taken a keen interest in our research vessels and the scientific instruments and equipment used. He has also played a key role in the preparations of the current renewal of our research vessel fleet in Norway.

In 2016 he was appointed from the Norwegian cabinet minister to be the new General Director of the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES).

Ole Arve Misund former position was the Managing director of the University Centre (UNIS) in Svalbard, a position he took in March 2012. He was also the Chair of the board of UNIS CO2 Lab A/S.

Ole Arve Misund was Research Director at Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway, 2000 – 2012, and Head of the Fish Capture Section, IMR, 1997 – 2000.

Dr. Misund has also been member of the Norwegian delegation to the Joint Norwegian – Russian Fisheries Committee 2005 – 2011, and lead the Science  Group of the Joint Norwegian – Russian Fisheries Committee 2005 - 2011.

He has also been Elected Chairman of the International Council of the Exploration of The Sea (ICES) Fishing Technology Committee 1999 – 2001.

Other former key tasks in his career are:
- Member of the Sea and the Coast (2005 – 2011), the IPY (2006 – 2011),
  and the Global Change (from 2010 – 2013) program committees and
  the Polar Committee (2012 – 2013) of the Norwegian Research Council.

Member of the board of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (from 2011), member of the ConocoPillips Arctic Program advisory board (from 2012), and a vice member to the board of the Bergen Museum (from 2005). Member of Academia Europea, and Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research.

Scientist at IMR from 1990 - 2000, and worked with ORSTOM (now IRD), France, in 1992, specializing in fisheries technology, abundance estimation of fish, and fish behaviour.

Published about 50 scientific articles, co-authored several books and book chapters, given many presentations and interviews, and acted as a referee for scientific journals.

Educated as fisheries biologist at the University of Bergen, Norway (Cand. Scient. 1986), and holds a Dr. of Philosophy degree at University of Bergen from 1991. Senior Executive Course at the Norwegian Defence University College, spring 2011.