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Workshop on BGC-Argo in Bergen, 1-2 November

The Argo programme has in many ways revolutionised the field of physical oceanography. The network of floats with biogeochemical sensors, called “BGC-Argo” has the same potetial for the biogeochemical-related oceanography, but is still to be fully utilised....


Here you can find a list of our newsletters.

Euro-Argo Meeting in Bergen

During the two days 26-27 June Institute of Marine Research was host for the Euro-Argo ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) Management Board meeting. 15 persons attended from nine European countries. 

The NorArgo infrastructure

NorArgo2 will operate and maintain an array of 32 autonomous vertical profiling floats, Argo floats, in the Arctic. They will provide real-time vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, salinity and additional biogeochemical parameters, as well as drift...

Popular summary

NorArgo2 is an observation system for the northern seas that consists of oceanographic battery powered floats, Argo floats.

The Norwegian Argo Infrastructure

  NorArgo is an ocean observing system for the Arctic that monitor, in near real-time, essential physical and ecosystem variables. It will operate an array of ~30 autonomous vertical profiling floats, Argo floats, that will carry various sensors...

Norway is a full Member of the Euro-Argo ERIC

During the last Euro-Argo ERIC Council meeting 15th November in Paris, Norway officially changed its status from Observer to full Member of the Euro-Argo ERIC (

NorArgo2 Workshop

A workshop in the infrastructure project NorArgo2 was held 16th October in Bergen with eight participants.

First annual meeting of NorArgo2

The first annual meeting in the infrastructure project NorArgo2 was held in Bergen 12th December. More than 20 people attended, including representatives from the advisory group and user forum.

BGC and Deep float training session

The Biogeochemical (BGC) and Deep Argo float training session within the NorArgo2 project, organized by Institute of Marine Research, was held 29–30 April in Bergen.

NorArgo Newsletter is out!

The first Newsletter from NorArgo is distributed! Link to the Newsletter can be found on this web page. The aim of these news briefs is to provide updates on NorArgo activities. Please contact us if you would like to share Argo related information in...

Second annual meeting of NorArgo2

The second annual meeting in the infrastructure project NorArgo2 was held in Bergen 12th December. 20 people attended, including representatives from the advisory group. There were several presentations, also external, in addition to the presentation...

New Argo float deployments in 2020

In 2020, twelve new Argo floats were deployed in the Nordic Seas. Eleven of these floats were deployed during two cruises with R/V Kristine Bonnevie, in April/May and in August, both with Henrik Søiland (IMR) as cruise leader.

NorArgo Status November 2020

NorArgo deployed 12 new Argo floats in 2020, and today there are 65 operative Argo floats in the Nordic Sea, Barents Sea and Polar Ocean (North of Svalbard). 29 of these are Norwegian Argo floats.  

Argo deployments and status in 2021

In 2021, twelve new Argo floats were deployed in the Nordic Seas during a cruise with R/V Johan Hjort in April/May with Henrik Søiland (IMR) as cruise leader.

New operational NorArgo web site is launched

After several months of hard work from our digital development team at Institute of Marine Research, we are pleased to announce the launch of our updated NorArgo operational website. 

A new NorArgo Newsletter is out!

This edition of the Newsletters offers update of the annual meeting that was held in December, Argo deployments in 2021, status of the Argo infrastructure, etc.   

Deployment and recovering of Argo floats summer 2022

In 2022, 13 new Argo floats were deployed in the Nordic Seas during a cruise with R/V Johan Hjort in May/June with Henrik Søiland (IMR) as cruise leader.

Deployment of the latest generation of BGC-Argo floats

Eight new Argo floats were deployed in the Nordic Seas during a cruise with R/V Johan Hjort, 15 May - 4 June 2023, with Henrik Søiland (IMR) as cruise leader. The cruise track with the locations of the Argo float deployments is shown in Figure 1.

The three first Argo floats deployed

The three first Argo floats in NorArgo2 were deployed on a cruise with R/V Johan Hjort during 21st May – 4th June. Two of the floats were deployed in the Greenland Sea while the third was deployed in the Lofoten Basin (Norwegian Sea).   