CoRdiNet kicks off!
Back in October, the CoRdiNet team of Copernicus Relay partners met in Brüssel for an internal kick off of the CoRdiNet project. Here, all the project partners got to know eachother better and presented and discussed each partner’s contributions to reach the common goals and aims of the project. In addition to the Brüssel meeting, one partner (IMR) met with the project coordinator for a “pre-kick-off” at München airport.
The meeting was also attended by our funding agency, the European Commission represented by DG GROW and REA, who were briefed on the project plans and visions, each collaborative partner’s contributions to the project, and expected outcome of the collaborative effort to increase awareness and uptake of Copernicus earth observations.
Joint CoRdiNet and CopHub.AC kick off
In a separate session during the kick-off meeting in Brüssel, the CoRdiNet team and the team at CopHub.AC , consisting of Copernicus Academy partners, joined forces for a joint kick-off for our two projects. While CoRdiNet aims to facilitate awareness-raising and user uptake of Copernicus earth observation data and products through identifying best practices and barriers to entry, CopHub.AC will work to foster the enlargement of the Copernicus Academy ecosystem and reinforce its R&I capabilities. In addition, CopHub.AC will promote the long-term impact and sustainability of the Copernicus Academy, and promote capacity building and connectivity with the Copernicus Relays in coordination with CoRdiNet. Thus, CoRdiNet and CopHub.AC will work closely together for the common goal of enhancing the value and benefit of Copernicus to society.
Regional CoRdiNet kick-offs
In addition to the internal kick-off meeting at project level at the start of the project period, the project partners are currently hosting regional kick-off meetings where stakeholders are invited to learn about the project and its goals, opportunities for working with the project, as well as learning about Copernicus earth observation and its applications. Please follow our twitter feed for announcements of events in your region!
The CoRdiNet team at the kick-off meeting in Brüssel.
Pre-kickoff at München airport. Left: J. Vogel (project coordinator). Right: V.S. Lien
The CoRdiNet and CopHub.AC teams at the joint kick-off meeting in Brüssel