CoRdiNet presents at EU Space Week in Helsinki
CoRdiNet and CopHub.AC hosted a joint session at the EU Space Week in Helsinki on December 3rd.
CoRdiNet partners were present at the EU Space Week that was held in Helsinki, Finland, on 3-5 December 2019. On Tuesday, December 3rd, two sessions were hosted by CoRdiNet. A morning session titled "Space Hubs for Copernicus" was organized in collaboration with CopHub.AC. The session provided presentations together with partners from CopHub.AC, offering support to our fellow Copernicus Relays and Copernicus Academy Members.
Stefan Lang and Barbara Riedler presents the CopHub.AC project during the morning session.
In the afternoon, a session was organized focusing on the ongoing Associated partner projects funded by CoRdiNet (see “Associated partners/ongoing projects” on this website for details on each project). Moreover, a new round of Call for Expression of Interest to support small Copernicus-related projects was announced by CoRdiNet during the afternoon session. If you are interested, see “Associated partners/Open calls” on this website for further details on the call.
Videos of Jürgen Vogel´s presentation can be seen here. The main focus of this presentation is the call for Partner Projects, with deadline mMarch 8th.