CoRdiNet second call for expressions for interest to advance digitalisation through Copernicus data and services
PLEASE NOTE: Extended deadline for applications: March 8th 2020.
The Horizon2020 CoRdiNet Project invites external partners to propose activities that focus on tapping into new user groups and topics with the objective to expand the use of Copernicus and advance digitalisation. Topics could address artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things, smart kitchen, applications for older people etc.
Projects should contribute to make the Copernicus ecosystem, both, at the demand and supply sides of the value chain, more transparent and enhance a systematic dialogue between users and solution providers. Projects shall foster engaging Copernicus users (e.g. local, regional or national public authorities with specific observation and reporting needs) and Copernicus added-value service providers (SMEs, research institutes, etc.) capable of providing Copernicus based solutions to those needs.
Selected projects will be supported by the CoRdiNet’s funds with a maximum of 5.000 EUR (five thousand Euro) per Project.
- Project activities should contribute to launch a systematic dialogue amongst (potential) Copernicus-stakeholders, namely public users, local and regional authorities, companies, research players, business associations with the objective to get a better insight into challenges, needs, interests and potential barriers to a more effective exploitation of Copernicus data.
- Project activities should help to better understand the challenges (technical, social, cultural, legal, economic, political, staff training, building skills and knowledge) that allow an optimal exploitation of the Copernicus program.
- Project activities shall reach out to new user-communities, e.g. digitalization, artificial intelligence, internet of things and alike.
- The scope of project activities, objectives, area of application and societal impact shall be aligned with the budget and the execution time (April-July 2020)
Eligibility criteria
- Legal entities from Copernicus-participating countries (EU-countries, Norway and Island) or third countries that signed Copernicus-related bilateral arrangements with the Commission, are eligible. Copernicus Relays are encouraged to engage in a collaborative approach with the Copernicus Academy.
- Applicants have to demonstrate proven experience with the proposed activity or proven evidence for the outputs of the proposed activity.
- Applicants have to demonstrate that they have a considerable outreach and have access to a broad range of Copernicus-stakeholders, relevant public users and interlocutors in public administrations.
Selection criteria:
- Proposed activity is clearly described and soundly presented;
- Proven/demonstrated commitment for the proposed activity (e.g. own contribution to budget etc.);
- Capability/effectiveness/innovative approach to outreach to new Copernicus user-communities;
- Capability/effectiveness/innovative approach to stimulate dialogue amongst the described Copernicus target groups;
- Capability/effectiveness/innovative approach to generate new findings on challenges, needs and barriers of Earth Observation data/Copernicus data use at regional and local level
- Special attention will be paid to projects proposing networking, events or activity formats that encourage exchange amongst described Copernicus target groups in an innovative and more effective way;
- Capability to generate new findings in areas that are not covered by CoRdiNet-partners either in thematic or geographic terms or new user-communities (complementarity to CoRdiNet-consortium).
Each criterion above will be ranked by an independent board of experts, the CoRdiNet Evaluation Board, on a scale starting from 1 (poor) up to 10 points (outstanding). The highest scored activities will be selected. A threshold of at least 55% of the available scores have to be reached to be eligible for funding.
Time Schedule:
Publication date: 03/12/2019
Submission deadline: 08/03/2020
Project evaluation: Mid to end of March 2020
Projects selected: Planning is until 10/04/2020
Project results and outputs: Expected until 30/06/2020
Applications submitted before the deadline will be tried to evaluate and inform earlier.
All the activities and the foreseen outputs (i.e. stakeholders identification and engagement, interviews and questionnaire feedback collection, report on the results) must be completed and delivered to the CoRdiNet consortium by 30 June 2020, to allow for their inclusion into relevant project reports.
Financial conditions:
Up to 100% of eligible expenses of selected activities will be reimbursed, if in-line with the time constraint cited above. Contributions by applicants to the overall budget will be considered favourably.
The applicants have to present an overview of the expected expenses related to the selected activities. Following the successful implementation of the selected activity, presentation of original paid invoices form the base for reimbursement.
The special project funds aim at stimulating external partners to develop cooperative initiatives and connect with the CoRdiNet-project. Therefore, only expenses that arise directly for the implementation of the selected activity are eligible. Examples for eligible costs are: translation services, printing, expenses related to the organization of a workshop/event, e.g. catering, venue, technic;
Please note: staff, equipment and subcontract expenses are not eligible.
Civil/dual use scenarios/GDPR/Gender Equality in H2020: Please note in case of proposed dual use scenarios, only the part referring to civil use might be supported. The CoRdiNet consortium is funded under the H2020-program and therefore committed to the sole support of civil purpose related activities.
With the application the applicant confirms that the applying organization complies with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The CoRdiNet partners are committed to promote and support equal opportunities and a balanced participation of women and men in their project work this call is part of. |
CoRdiNet project in a nutshell:
CoRdiNet is an open network of five very diverse Copernicus Relays with a facilitating function on local, regional, cluster and national level, supporting, promoting and stimulating digitalization and new business solutions based on Earth Observation (EO) i.e. Copernicus data. This support action bundles the local expertise in the civil use of EO, close to the needs and offers of citizens, administrations and businesses, and will share them with other Copernicus Relays, the Copernicus Academy and new EO players. Joint outreach and dissemination activities facilitate embedding of its work in national and EU activities. CoRdiNet enjoys support of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement, the Copernicus Support Office, and six external regions. See project’s website for more info.
A discussion on the call, from EU space week in Helsinki in December with
Roya Ayazi, General Secreatary of NEREUS.
Stephanie de Zorzi, IEST, Venice Italy
Fransisco Wallenstein, Government of Azores, Portugal