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Published 14.02.2020 - Updated 14.02.2020


The project aims at developing a pre-commercial service platform for forest stakeholders, compliant with open and standard interfaces, which integrates Earth Observation data into the forest stakeholders’ decision-making processes and operations. It will be implemented on the basis of GMV prototyped service, eoforest and will leverage on partners’ expertise on LiDAR and forest modelling.



The Astropreneurs Space Startup Accelerator is turning space-related ideas into viable businesses and is promoting opportunities for entrepreneurs coming from the space and non-space sectors.




This project is a fast-track internationalization project co-funded by the the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020) to boost European space service providers and application developers’ access beyond Europe.


is a unique initiative that brings together decades of public investment in Earth Observation and in cloud capabilities into services for the decision-makers, the citizens, the industry and the researchers.



The project aims to design, implement and demonstrate an integrated agricultural monitoring and early warning system that will support decision making in the field of food security. AfriCultuReS delivers a broad range of climatic, production, biophysical and economic information, for various regions in Africa. AfriCultuReS applies geospatial science to sustainable agricultural development, natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, and poverty alleviation in Africa.


Urban GreenUP

The project aims at developing, applying and validating a methodology for Renaturing Urban Plans to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve air quality and water management and increase the sustainability or our cities through innovative nature-based solutions.



MED-GOLD will build pilot climate services focusing on three key crops of the Mediterranean area: grapes, olives and durum wheat. These three crops – and their related food products, wine, oil, and pasta respectively – were chosen as case studies owing to their high ecological, economic, and cultural relevance to the Mediterranean region in particular, but also in Europe and worldwide. These climate services – tailored to the end-users needs – will be co-designed by a consortium of the most relevant producers and stakeholders in the three sectors. These services will pave the way for a new replicable framework, with the aim of extending its applicability beyond the case studies considered for the project.



High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS) are air platforms in the shape of airships, balloons or gliders, circling over regions for extended time periods in the stratosphere, at ~20 km average height, above commercial airlines, jet streams and moisture. HAPS notably complement ground-based and satellite observations, which is an asset for air quality and GHG applications at local level.



Earth Observation (EO) data access through the Copernicus data distributor systems has paved the way to monitor changes on Earth, using Sentinel data. One of the main objectives of EOPEN is to fuse Sentinel data with multiple, heterogeneous and big data sources, to improve the monitoring capabilities of the future EO downstream sector. Additionally, the involvement of mature ICT solutions in the Earth Observation sector shall address major challenges in effectively handling and disseminating Copernicus-related information to the wider user community, beyond the EU borders. EOPEN fuses Copernicus big data content with observations from non-EO data, such as weather, environmental and social media information, aiming at interactive, real-time and user-friendly visualisations and decisions from early warning notifications. The fusion is also performed at the semantic level, to provide reasoning mechanisms and interoperable solutions, through the semantic linking of information. Processing of large streams of data is based on open-source and scalable algorithms in change detection, event detection, and data clustering, which are built on High Performance Computing infrastructures. Alongside this enhanced data fusion, a new innovative, overarching Joint Decision & Information Governance architecture will be combined with the technical solution to assist decision making and visual analytics in EOPEN. Besides EO product-oriented data management activities, EOPEN also exploits user-oriented feedback, tagging, tracking of interactions with other EOPEN users. EOPEN will be demonstrated in real use case scenarios in flood risk monitoring, food security and climate change monitoring.



Sino-EU Soil Observatory for intelligent Land Use Management

SIEUSOIL aims to develop sustainable and holistic soil management practices based on a land information system suitable for diverse climate and operation conditions along different EU and China locations. A research platform consisting of advanced crop and soil sensing tools, modelling and data fusion, digital soil mapping and farm management information systems will be developed to maximise land productivity and socio-economic benefits, while minimizing the environmental impacts.



Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data

The objective of BEACON is to develop a commercial service package that will enable insurance companies to exploit the untapped market potential of Agricultural Insurance, taking advantage of innovations in Earth Observation, weather intelligence and ICT / blockchain technology. BEACON will enable insurance companies to alleviate the effect of weather uncertainty when estimating risk for Agricultural Insurance products, reduce the number of on-site visits for claim verification, reduce operational and administrative costs for monitoring of insured indexes and contract handling, and design more accurate and personalized contracts. Through an early warning service, they will be able to inform their customers (farmers) for potential crop risks related with weather conditions, and advise them to take all the necessary actions to mitigate the impact of weather in their crops. EO data derived by Copernicus Sentinel missions as well as by missions contributing to Copernicus will be used to develop the data products that will act as a complementary source to the information used by insurance companies to design their products and assess natural disasters. Weather intelligence based on data assimilation, numerical weather prediction and ensemble seasonal forecasting will be used to verify the occurrence of a catastrophic weather event and to predict future perils. ICT / blockchain technology will be used for the smart contract service, to provide insurance companies with an automated method for paying out damages to insured parties. The BEACON services will be deployed in the operational environment of more than 10 companies in the insurance sector, openly demonstrating and validating its value proposition and acceptance as a marketable commercial solution.



Advancing Agriculture Insurance Tools using EO data and Weather Intelligence services for a Safer Agricultural Production

The main objective of AgriSafe is the development of a ready-to-market commercial service package that will enable insurance companies to exploit the untapped market potential of Agricultural Insurance, taking advantage of innovations in Earth Observation and Weather Intelligence. Drawing upon EO and meteorological data, AgriSafe will provide insurance companies with a robust and cost-effective toolbox allowing them to alleviate the effect of weather uncertainty when estimating risk of Agricultural Insurance products, reduce the number of on-site visits for claim verification, reduce operational and administrative costs for monitoring of insured indexes and contract handling, and design more accurate and personalized contracts.